
Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Zink printer for Apple iPhone speculation

Dan Frommer at Silicon Alley has a piece today titled "10 iPhone Accessories Wed Love To Have (AAPL)" and I couldnt resist taking a quick look, thinking perhaps Id find a printer.!

During last weeks WorldWide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple announced its new iPhone 3GS, and along with it, capabilities for adding third-party hardware products to the iPhone platform. The Silicon Alley Insider piece has fun with a vision for ten future iPhone accessories, and among the more down-to-earth is a direct-connect Zink printer. For regular readers of this blog, it comes as now surprise that Zink printers and iPhone printing would seem to make a natural convergence, so much so that one of the most common questions/complaints is that Zink-based products like the Polaroid PoGo and Dell Wasabi Zink-based printers DONT work with the Apple iPhone. Of course, these are both wireless printers, so the direct-connect aspect of the "10 Wed Love to Have..." vision doesnt seem like the gating factor.

However, of the various fanciful ideas in the article, it seems that the one for the printer accessory is among the most down-to-earth and honestly in-demand iPhone accessory ideas out there (along with the SD card reader, which I will take any time its ready!). But maybe theres a meat-thermometer-blogger out there praising that suggestion and dissing the printer!

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