
Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Googe Chrome printing update

The Google Chrome browser may be seeming like old news these days. Even though its "version 0.2" nomenclature does not speak to a mature product, Chromes day in the sun as Googles (NASDAQ GOOG) latest creation is over, with the Google "Android" Phone now announced, as of yesterday, September 23, 2008 (for an example of the press coverage, see "The Google Phone: A Challenge to the iPhone?").

But after posting a very preliminary "Google Chrome printing" piece on September 3, 2008, I would like to offer an update.

First, the fact that the Chrome EULAs "fine print" offered some heinous-sounding language (see "Be Sure to Read Chromes Fine Print") ended up with a good deal of traffic coming my way. Searches on terms like "Google Chrome fine print" match up pretty well with "Google Chrome printing" so I have been receiving visitors with interests in both topics. And apologies to the group looking for more insight into the "fine print" side of the story, as I didnt even mention that topic until now. Hey, at least I didnt title the post, "Google Chrome prints fine", which it does, for the most part!

Second, Google Chrome browser traffic is quite high at my blog, considering its a fourth popular browser thats less than a month old. According to my favorite metric-catcher, Statcounter, my most recent "Browser Market Share" numbers for my most recent 1,500 visitors show about 8% on Google Chrome. This is over half of the Safari number (14%), with various versions of IE leading at just over 50%, and Firefox versions making up most of the remainder (25%), and a few odds and ends thrown in for good measure.

And lastly, check out this tip for adding a print button to Chrome. (Ive done it already, as seen illustration above, where I used features of SnagIt to blur the background and highlight my print button.) Thanks Tech-Recipes!

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