
Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Thanks to Lyra and hoped you enjoyed the tweets!

The Lyra Symposium wrapped up another successful run last Wednesday. I was delayed for a few days on my way back to the office, with some PLANNED diversions, unlike some of my colleagues who suffered weather-related delays, and who have my sympathy!

Unlike the last few conferences, where this blog contained my original take-aways and conference sound bites, most of that was on Twitter this year, by me, @jflyons and Lyra, @lyrainc and a
few others, including @Greg_VDW and @Greg_Walters as well. You can of course find those tweets via the individual accounts, or search on Twitter with #lyra as your search term.

Thanks for the symposium go to the whole Lyra team, and especially Irene Savage!

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