
Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Resetter Hp Deskjet 2566

How to Check for Damaged Cartridge (blink) HP Deskjet 2566 printers.

  1. Loose one HP Deskjet printer cartridges, color cartridge removable example.
  2. Then turn on the HP Deskjet printers.
  3. Observe indicator lights power on if the HP Deskjet 2566, still blinking means the black cartridge is damaged.
  4. But if a full flame power indicator light, meaning black cartridge HP DeskJet printer you are good / good.
  5. Then off Cartridge Black color cartridge and replace it with just mounted.
  6. Then turn on your HP Deskjet printer.
  7. Then observe the indicator light if power on HP Deskjet 2566, blinking means your color cartridge is damaged.
  8. If the power indicator light is a full flame, meaning a color printer cartridges HP Deskjet you are good / good.
  9. Please replace the defective cartridge. karen damaged cartridge can not be repaired.
  10. Best wishes.
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Reset Dell Printer to Default Settings

How to Reset a Dell Printer to Default Settings, Factory Reset Laser Printer 1710n - Printers Forum, Reset Factory Default Settings on Dell Laser Printer ... Reset Factory Default Settings on Dell Laser Printer 1700/1710/1710N ...How to Reset a Dell Printer to Default Settings. Resetting your printer can be useful if you need to re-sell it or if you just feel youve ..."Welcome to BlogEngine.NET" "powered by wordpress" "leave comment" "site:edu inurl:blog"

 How to Reset a Dell Printer to Default Settings

 Resetting your printer can be useful if you need to re-sell it or if you just feel youve changed too many settings. Dell Printers can be reset to their default factory settings using software found on the computer thats hooked up to the printer. This means that while running the software, the printer must be connected to the computer.

Instructions  :

1.   Connect the USB cable from the printer into the computer.
2    Click "Start," "Search," "For Files or Folders."
3.   Click "All files and folders," and search for the folder "UAN."
4.   Double-click the "UAN" folder. Then go to the "System Utilities" folder within it.
5.   Double-click the "Reset Dell Printer" icon.
6.   Done
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Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Service manual canon

Canon Pixma i450 service Manual Download
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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Canon iP1200 iP1600 iP2200 reseter

Reset Ink Counter/Level Canon iP1600

1. Turn off printer
2. Hold down Resume button and press Power button.
3. Keep holding down Power button and let Resume button go.
4. Press Resume button 2 times then let BOTH buttons go.
5. Green lights will flash and then stop blinking.
6. When green lights are solid, press the Resume button 4 times.
7. Press the Power button and the printer should turn off, if not,
press the Power button once more.
8. Your printer should respond as normal.

This is the most downloads for reseters ( according to my downloads count )
Just download at this link : Reset Canon iP1200,1600,2200 : Download

# Driver Canon PIXMA IP1200 Download
# Driver Canon PIXMA IP1600 Download
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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Service Adjustment Program Stylus Epson

Epson Stylus Color type 480,580,680,777,780,790,860,1160,61,62,70,825
830,870,890,950,1270,1280, printer service program download (336) FREE!
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Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Brother Error Codes and its Solutions

Kode Error pada Printer Brother dan Solusinya
Tentu Anda sebagai pengguna printer tidak pernah luput dari Pesan atau Kode Error pada layar display printer Anda ataupun layar komputer Anda. Entah itu kertas nyangkut, tinta habis, ataupun masalah yang lebih berat lainnya seperti print head rusak, cartridge tidak terbaca, dan lain-lain. Nah, untuk printer Brother, kami akan membagikan arti dari kode-kode error tersebut melalui artikel ini, dan semoga dapat bermanfaat dalam menanggapi masalah pada saat penggunaan printer Brother Anda. Biasanya kode-kode error tersebut di mulai dengan kata-kata seperti: unable to print XX, unable to init XX.

Tabel di atas menandakan segala kode error dan penjelasan arti dari error masing-masing. Akan kita bahas satu per satu di bawah:

Kode: 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,3C,3F
Masalah: Paper Jam alias kertas sangkut. Bisa saja Anda sudah mengeluarkan kertas yang sangkut dan tetap menemukan kode ini, artinya masih ada sisa sobekan kertas yang tertinggal di dalam, entah itu di roller, di bawah head, ataupun di bagian belakang printer. Buka scanner cover, buka back cover, gunakan senter untuk melihat lebih teliti di sekelilingnya. Jika ada kertas sangkut, silahkan di cabut dengan hati-hati dan pelan tanpa merusak part di dalamnya. 
Kode: 40,42,43,44
Masalah: Temperatur di dalam printer terlalu tinggi, alias PANAS. Bisa saja terjadi jika Anda baru saja membawanya dari luar atau berjemur di dalam mobil Anda di siang hari, dan langsung Anda bawa ke kantor untuk print. Solusinya di buka saja cover-covernya, biarkan dingin beberapa saat, matikan dan coba kembali
Kode: 46
Masalah: Tangki pembuangan tinta sudah penuh dan perlu penggantian gabus penahan tinta. Masalah ini bisa di atasi dengan reset (untuk reset, silahkan bawa unit ke Maestro Komputer, hanya sebentar pengerjaannya). Dan untuk lebih awet, absorber pad di dalamnya harus di ganti biar tidak banjir suatu hari nanti dan merusak printer.
Kode: 48, 4F
Masalah: Ada masalah pada print head Anda. Antara Print head rusak, konslet, sangkut alias tidak bisa bergerak. Ketika menemui masalah ini, cukup berat, disarankan untuk bawa ke tempat servis atau toko komputer terdekat untuk di test lebih lanjut. Cara pengecekan ringkasnya yang dapat Anda lakukan di rumah; coba di buka covernya, cek di sekitar print head apakah ada yang menganggu pergerakan print head, atau apa yang terjadi sebelum error ini keluar? Dari sana bisa lebih di identifikasi kemungkinan punca masalahnya dan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Kemungkinan punca masalah bisa saja ketika paper jam, Anda langsung menarik kertas secara paksa yang secara tidak sengaja menggores print head, atau ada anak mata kelip yang jatuh ke dalam printer atau benda asing lainnya yang merusak print head.
Kode: 49
Masalah: Temperatur di dalam printer terlalu rendah alias dingin. Hal ini jarang terjadi karena kita tinggal di negara tropis. Kecuali Anda memasukkan printer ke dalam freezer. :p
Kode: 50,51,52,57,5A,5B,5C,5D,5E
Masalah: Sama halnya dengan masalah pertama di atas: Paper Jam alias kertas sangkut. Dan jika Anda menemukan kode seperti ini, ada kemungkinan tambahan masalah di sensor. Sensor rusak ataupun kotor yang menyebabkan printer tidak dapat bekerja secara normal. Masalah yang cukup rumit. Untuk menghindari adanya masalah ini, tetap jaga printer Anda agar tetap bersih dari debu. Tutup dengan kain bersih ketika tidak digunakan.
Kode: 8F
Masalah: Terjadi kerusakan atau gangguan pada motor penarik kertas. Hal ini jarang terjadi, tapi bisa saja terjadi setelah penggunaan yang cukup banyak, khususnya dalam frekuensi yang tinggi. Satu lagi masalah yang cukup rumit, dan hanya bisa diselesaikan oleh tenaga ahli. Tetapi satu hints: lebih ke kebersihan secara umum. Jika printer bersih, maka printer akan jauh dari error. Kertas bisa menginggalkan sisa-sisa serbuk pada saat di tarik. Dari sana jika sudah cukup banyak, otomatis mengganggu kinerja penarik kertas.
Kode: A5,A6,A7,A8,AF
Masalah: Masalah pada scanner unit. Hal ini sangat jarang terjadi. Bisa saja terjadi jika scanner rusak, konslet, kabel putus, lampu scanner rusak ataupun lainnya. Jika sudah terjadi, lebih sering solusinya di penggantian Scanner Unit.
Kode: E2,E3
Masalah: Terjadi masalah pada Motherboard induk. Bisa terjadi jika ada komponen yang konslet, dan masalah lainnya seputar PCB. Dan pernah kita temui kasus ada cicak bertelur di dekat PCB printer Brother. Jadi, hati-hati lah dalam menyimpan printer Anda. Usahakan untuk menaruh di atas meja, dengan ditutupi kain bersih yang cukup besar. Dan jaga dari debu. Biasanya karena kotor, serangga, hewan-hewan kecil suka masuk ke dalam dan berpotensi merusak. Andaikan saja telur tersebut pecah dan air nya mengenai motherboard, maka akan terjadi Short alias konsleting. Ini salah satu hal yang bisa saja terjadi. Jika sudah terjadi kerusakan pada Motherboard, solusi nya adalah penggantian Motherboard.

source :
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Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Canon FAXPHONE L190 Drivers Download

Compatibility and system requirements :

- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- WIndows Vista
- Windows XP
- all drivers Support 32bit and 64bit

Download link Canon FAXPHONE L190 Printer drivers
Download 32bit
Download 64bit

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How To Reset Ink level Dell Printer Cartridge After Refill

Reset Ink Level  Dell Printer CatridgeHow To Reset Ink Level Dell Printer Cartridge After RefillReset Ink Level Catridge Dell .  "Welcome to BlogEngine.NET" "powered by wordpress" "leave comment" "site:edu inurl:blog"

How to Reset a Dell Printer Cartridge After Refill 
How to Reset a Dell Printer Cartridge After Refill. Refilling a Dell printer cartridge at a store such as Walgreens is a convenient and cost effective way ...

 Resetting a Dell printer After Refill
You can reset your Dell printer fairly easily by simply double-clicking on the ‘Reset Dell Printer’ icon. You can reach this icon by clicking on the folder ‘UAN’, then clicking on ‘System Utilities’ and you should find the icon. However, one word of caution – this method will function only if the USB cable has been directly connected from the PC to the printer. If you are using a USB Hub or some switch box then this method will not work.

Related Search :

 Dell AIO 922 low ink level, how do I reset
 reset ink levels for Dell printer -
 How Do You Reset A Dell Printer Cartridge After Refill? -
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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Canon Pixma MX868

Number of Colors 5 (Pigment Black and BK/C/Y/M dye-based inks)
Printing Technology Bubble-Jet / FINE™ / Chroma Life 100™
Max. Mediasize A4 / Letter
Duplex printing Yes
Remarks Resolution up to 9600 x 2400 dpi, borderless printing
possible, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 and PictBride interface, 2,5" Color-LCD
Pages/min black Pages/min color

OEM No. OCP Ink Code Color Type
PGI-820BK under development
CLI-821BK under development
CLI-821C under development
CLI-821M under development
CLI-821Y under development
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Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Canon MPC190 Waste Ink Counter Reset

Reset Waste Ink Canon MPC190
1) Enter SERVICE MODE.---
By pressing Menu Copy Scan Copy Copy
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT].
6) Press the [Set] key.
7) Press the [Stop/Reset] key (returning to the state of 3)), and then press the [ON/OFF] key.
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Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Driver Printer Canon PIXMA iP2770

Free download driver printer canon pixma ip 2770 for windows xp, windows 7, windows 8 and vista
Compatibility and System Requirements :

- Windows 8 (x86/x64)
- Windows 7 (x86/x64)
- Windows Vista (x86/x64)
- Windows XP

How to install the drivers Canon PIXMA iP2700 / iP2702 / iP2770 for Windows :

1. Download the driver Canon PIXMA iP2700, for link download see below
2. Make sure the printer usb cable plugged into the laptop or computer
3. Open the file has been downloaded, double click on the file
4. Follow the instructions that appear during installation
5. When finished doing test print
6. If test print is not a problem, then we have succeeded driver installation

Link Download drivers Canon PIXMA iP2700 / iP2702 / iP2770
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Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

samsung scx 4521 reset process

samsung scx 4521f reset process:-
1. Press the "MENU" option followed by "#" and enter the code "1934".(rapidly)
2. The screen should display the word "READY"
3. Move with the arrows until you find the option "NEW CARTDRIGE"
4. Choose "YES" by pressing "OK"
5. Press again the key "OK"
6. Turn the printer off to restart the machine.
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Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Canon iP1500 Resetter

Waste Ink Counter Reset. Manual for Service mode
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer.
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
4. Press and release the RESUME button , the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange.
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green
6. Release both buttons

resetter Canon IP1500 : Download

Driver Canon PIXMA IP1500 Download

Manual Reset_iP1500.pdf
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canon waste tank reset for canon i70

Below is a procedure that in most cases should resolve a Canon i70 waste tank issue

1) Close the print head cover, and turn off the printer. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button.

(Do not release the buttons. The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button.

(Do not release the Power button.)

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 3 times, and then release the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons.

(Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

During initialization, the LED blinks in green.

4) When the LED stops blinking and lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

After the function (menu) is selected, press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the selected function is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.)

*** 4 times Green Waste ink counter resetting Both the main and borderless print waste ink counters are cleared.

Canon i70 InkJet Photo Printer
Manual service : Download
Driver Canon i70 : Download
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Senin, 03 Maret 2014


Waste Ink Counter Reset.
(1) Turn off the printer.
(2) Press and hold the RESUME button, then press and hold the POWER button.
(3) Release the RESUME button, Next press and release the RESUME button two(2) more times in
succession. Note: you are still holding the POWER button). The printers carriage will "reset"
or move momentarily. If the above was properly performed the printer will enter the
"Service Mode".
(4) Press the RESUME button 4 times, this will select the clear waste ink counter function. The lamp
will alternate (change) color with each key press.
1. Service/Factory test printout, including ink sensor check.
2. EEPROM - Info printout. javascript:void(0)
3. EEPROM - Initialization.
4. Reset the Waste ink counter.
5. Printer model setting. (More selections beyond this point - However it is best leave them unaltered - You have been warned!)
After selecting the desired mode (eg 4), press the POWER button to "set" the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Press the POWER button again to restart the printer.
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Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

canon IRC3200 error

E751 can be displayed when a connection error of the drum unit or toner cartridge occurs. The following are the detail of each sub code. You may find it helpful to refer to them when servicing. The suffix "x" of each sub code shows color of the affected drum unit or toner cartridge. (1=Y, 2=M, 3=C, and 4=k)
- 000x: Drum unit connection error (on printer side)
- 100x: Toner cartridge connection error (on printer side)
- 010x: Drum unit memory writing error
- 110x: Toner cartridge memory writing error
- 020x: Drum unit memory data error
- 120x: Toner cartridge memory data error
- 030x: Drum unit memory writing error (The number of reties exceeds the specified value.)
- 130x: Toner cartridge memory writing error (The number of reties exceeds the specified value.)

Though it can be memory related, it looks like a E751-1003 is Toner cartridge connection error (on printer side) Check the cyan drum or the cyan toner cartridge for now. Keep us posted when you try some of the details above.
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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Diver Printer Dell 1130 for Win xp 7 8

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Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Epson Stylus C90 Printer

Deskripsi Produk
High-speed printing and affordable Durabrite Ultra INKdividual inks, at amazing quality and convenience.
Affordable INKdividual Cartridges
* Cost-efficient INKdividual cartridges
* Reduce ink wastage and maximise savings
* Replace only the ink cartridge that runs out
* Eliminates wastage of throwing away an integrated cartridge with remaining ink in other color
Greater Efficiency with Cartridge Flexibility
* Choose from two different capacities of ink sets based on usage patterns
* Achieve cost and printing efficiency with cartridge flexibility
Adjustment Program Epson
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Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

New In Refillable cartridges for Ricoh GC31BLACK GC31CYAN GC31MAGENTA GC31YELLOW

Now in stock and available for £49.95 are the set of empty compatible refillable gel cartridges for Ricoh GXE2600 GXE3300 GXE3300N GXE3350N GEX5050N GXE5500 GXE5550N GXE7700 printers.  Designed to replace OEM codes GC31BLACK / GC31CYAN / GC31MAGENTA / GC31YELLOW, these plastic cartridges come with a chip resetter to reset ink levels.
They are easy to refill (no special tools are required) and the capacity of each tank is a massive 80ml.
Buy from our website at  Direct product link is
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Download Gom Player 2 1

Download Gom Player 
Link Download
Features of Gom Player 2.1:

- GOM Player supports most of the condecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, WMV, ASF more) by its own embedded codec system that you wont have to look for appropriate codecs everytime when you cant play a certain video format.
- With GOM, youll experience something youve never seen in the past with other media players.
- GOM supports all kinds of features for highly advanced users who desire to watch video clips at the best quality.
- GOM is also able to play incomplete or damaged AVI file by skipping the damaged frames. And it can also playback Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing (with real-time index rebuilding under certain condition: AVI downloading in consecutive order).
- GOM also supports HTTP Streaming ASF/OGG/MP3/AAC/MPEG PS/MPEG TS: Only work with internal splitters).
- GOM also support its own skins, Subtitle, Overlay Mixer features, Optimized buffer for streaming Automatic ASF source filter, Keys Remapping, Superspeed/High Mode, Enhanced Filter Rendering and full-Unicode.

Important Note:

- Gom Player installer is bundled with "Ask Toolbar". However, you may continue the installation process without installing it.

Changes in GOM Player

- Security Patch: A security vulnerability related to the “Open URL” feature has been addressed and corrected.
• GOM Player
- An error where only one audio track would be available when playing certain multiple-audio MP4 files has been corrected.
• GOM Player
- When stopping a video file after making changes to subtitle sync settings, a message will now be displayed asking whether or not to save the changes. This message can be turned on and off from the Preferences window.
- Added a feature whereby default playback window size settings will only be applied when launching a new instance of GOM Media Player
- Improved playback for uncompressed AVI files.
- Corrected an issue which caused some FLV files to be unplayable.
- Various minor changes and corrections
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Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

New PGI 550 PGBK CLI 551 BK C M Y Compatible Refillable Printer Ink Cartridges

Just like the New Epson Daisy Inks, Canon have released a new range of printer cartridges called PGI-550 PGBK large black CLI-551 black, cyan, magenta and yellow dye inks.  These are designed to work in their new range of printers which include the Canon Pixma iP7250, MG5450, MG6350 printer models.  They are principally ink tanks with chips which slip inside the separate print head that comes with the printers.

Unfortunately compatible and refillable cartridges with auto rest chips are not yet available.  Technicians in China are currently working on developing new software compatibility to enable the use of after market replacement cartridges.  Sadly there is no estimated date when they will be available and introduced on to the market place.  Until then owners will have to buy original Canon OEM cartridges.

The delay in the arrival of compatible cartridges for these new machines will slow sales of the printers with knowledgeable consumers, however computer users shopping blind may be best advised to store the printer until cheaper printer cartridges become available.  Even so, these new Canon printer models are of a good quality and are capable of  producing high quality prints.  We anticipate that Canon will win various hardware awards for them.

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Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Download FotoSketcher

Free Download Software - FotoSketcher adalah aplikasi edit foto gratis (Freeware), yang dapat berfungsi untuk memodifikasi semua koleksi foto menjadi tampak seperti gambar kartun pada umumnya.

Cara menggunakan software ini sangatlah mudah hanya dengan sekali klik saja, foto yang anda edit bisa langsung menjadi foto kartun dengan cepat dan memiliki kualitas foto yang cukup baik.

Software FotoSketcher ini dapat anda download sekarang secara gratis. bagaimana menarik bukan? penasaran pengen ubah foto anda ke dalam bentuk kartun seperti apa? silahkan langsung dicoba saja aplikasi edit FotoSketcher Versi terbaru ini.

Link Download
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Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Driver Printer HP Deskjet 3910

Download Driver Printer HP Deskjet 3910 / 3915 / 3918 / 3920 / 3930 / 3938 / 3940 Untuk Windows XP
link download

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Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Driver Printer EPSON L110 for win xp 7 8

Free Download driver printer epson L110 
Compatibility and System Requirements :

- Windows 8
- WIndows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- all support 32bit and 64bit -

How to install the drivers EPSON L110 for Windows :

1. Download the driver EPSON L110, for link download see below
2. Make sure the printer usb cable plugged into the laptop or computer
3. Open the file has been downloaded, double click on the file
4. Follow the instructions that appear during installation
5. When finished doing test print and scan test
6. If test print and scan is not a problem, then we have succeeded driver installation

Link download drivers printer EPSON L110
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Driver NVIDIA GeForce 7000M

Free download NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Video Card Driver for Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit. For those who have lost the installation CD.

OS Type Version Date Added File Size File Type Download Link 
Windows XP Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 116.41 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows XP Video Card Driver Download
Windows XP 64-bit Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 123.02 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows XP 64-bit Video Card Driver Download
Windows Vista Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 122.90 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows Vista Video Card Driver Download
Windows 7 Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 122.90 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows 7 Video Card Driver Download
Windows Vista 64-bit Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 147.15 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows Vista 64-bit Video Card Driver Download
Windows 7 64-bit Driver 179.48 Beta 2012-01-11 147.15 MB exe NVIDIA GeForce 7000M Windows 7 64-bit Video Card Driver Download
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Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Realtek HD Audio Driver 2 70 for Vista64 Windows 7 x64 Windows 8 x64

free download driver Realtek HD Audio Driver 2.70 for Vista64/Windows 7 x64/Windows 8 x64. All drivers are shown still rely on the official site, so all the qualities of each driver has been tested and reviewed before being published to the public. Please read our Terms of use before downloading any content on this site.

Driver Package R2.70

Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec:

1. Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC221, ALC231, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC290

2. Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting:
ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC221, ALC231, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC290

3. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices

4. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows7 - x86/x64

5. Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) For Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP1, XP SP2, Server 2003 SP1.

6. Add/Fix
1.) Driver :
1. Customizations.
Realtek HD Audio Driver 2.70 for Vista64/Windows 7 x64/Windows 8 x64 Download

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Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

HP DeskJet 810c

HP DeskJet 810c Printer

 Cartridge HP 15 black & Cartridge HP 23 colour

 Refill Instructions for HP 15 black|HP 23 colour


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Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Brother MFC 465CN Drivers Download

Download Driver Printer Brother MFC-465CN
Compatibility and system requirements :
Windows 7
WIndows Vista
Windows XP
For Windows 8 Already added on OS
all drivers Support 32bit and 64bit

How to install the drivers Printer for Windows
1. Download the driver Printer, for link download see below
2. Make sure the printer usb cable unplugged from laptop or computer
3. Open the file has been downloaded, double click on the file
4. Follow the instructions that appear during installation
5. When finished plugged usb cable and wait detecting hardware
6. When done doing test print and scan test
7. If test print and scan test is not a problem, then we have succeeded driver installation

Download link Brother MFC-465CN Printer drivers
Source Direct Link WinXP2000vista  | Win7
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Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

HP Deskjet D2566 Printer

HP Deskjet D2466 wasnt produce anymore and as the other change HP Deskjet D2566
Printing specifications
Print speed
Paper type Fast Draft
Black text, plain paper Up to 26 ppm
Mixed text/graphics, plain paper Up to 20 ppm
Image (4x6 with border), photo paper As fast as 26 seconds

Black and color resolution on plain paper
Print Quality Render Printing
Plain paper/Fast Draft 300 x 300 dpi Automatic
Plain paper/Fast Normal 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Plain paper/Normal 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Inkjet paper/Best 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Maximum dpi 1200 x 1200 dpi 4800 x 1200 optimized
Color resolution on photo paper
Print Quality Render Printing
Fast Draft 300 x 300 dpi Automatic
Fast Normal 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Normal 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Best 600 x 600 dpi Automatic
Maximum dpi 1200 x 1200 dpi 4800 x 1200 optimized

Duty Cycle

* Printer Monthly Duty Cycle : 1,000 pages per month
* Printer Life : 20,000 pages

Power specifications

Power Requirements
Input Voltage
Region Power supply Voltage Frequency
WW 0957-2242 100-240 VAC +/- 10% 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz
India/China 0957-2250 200-240 VAC +/- 10% 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz

Power Consumption
* Average when ready : less than 2 watts
* Average when printing : 16 watts
* Average in sleep mode : less than 2 watts
* OFF : less than 1 watt

Environmental specifications

Recommended operating conditions
Factor Specifications
Temperature 59 to 86° F; 15 to 30° C
Humidity 20-80% RH non-condensing

Maximum operating conditions

Factor Specifications
Temperature 41 to 104° F; 5 to 40° C
Humidity 15-80% RH non-condensing
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Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

DELL Optiplex GX620 Drivers Download for XP

Compatibility and System Requirements :

- Windows XP

Download link DELL Optiplex GX620 drivers:

Audio - ADI 198x Integrated Audio DOWNLOAD
Communications - Conexant Driver DOWNLOAD
Displays - 2408WFP DOWNLOAD
Network - Broadcom DOWNLOAD
Video - ATI Radeon X600 DOWNLOAD
Video - ATI Radeon X1300 Pro DOWNLOAD
Video - ATI Radeon X300 SE DOWNLOAD
Video - Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family  DOWNLOAD
Video - Intel 945G Graphics Controller DOWNLOAD
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Senin, 17 Februari 2014

REFILLABLE PRINTER CARTRIDGES T1801 T1804 T1811 T1814 T1816 EPSON EXPRESSION XP 30 102 202 305 405

New refillable printer cartridges for the latest Epson Express XP printers have landed with new ARC auto reset chips fitted.  The first consignment come pre-filled with high quality dye ink.  They work with the following models... Epson Expression Home XP 30, 102, 202, 205, 302, 305, 402, 405, 405 WH printers
The model of micro chip fiited is the T1811, T1812, T1813, T1814 (T1816).  These are also compatible with the lower capacity T1801-T1804 models.
With these cartridges you just insert them into your printer and begin to print!  When the ink runs out you just inject more ink into the hole located on the top of the cartridges.  You may be able to do this by leaving them in situ in the machine!
Stocks are limited so hurry. Refillable cartridges for the  Epson Expression Home XP 30, 102, 202, 205, 302, 305, 402, 405, 405 WH printers from above link.
Total price listed includes free recorded UK delivery with same day dispatch from the UK.
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Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

HP Photosmart 4600 All in One series

HP Photosmart C4635/C4640/C4650/C4680 All-in-One Printer
 Cartridge HP 60 black & Cartridge HP 60 colour

HP 60 black & HP 60 colour cartridge

 Refill Instructions for HP 60 black|HP 60 colour

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Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Tips Melakukan Kompress File Folder di Windows 8

Pada Windows 8 dalam hal mengkompress file atau pun folder yang biasa kita gunakan melalui aplikasi WinRAR atau 7-Zip ada kalanya tidak bisa dilakukan atau proses gagal.

Sebetulnya bukan dikarena aplikasinya yang korup tapi memang Windows 8 tidak mengijinkannya terkait masalah security.

Ya jika anda ingin melakukan proses compressing yang didalamnya ada file exe atau yang terkait dengan file system maka Windows 8 langsung memblok secara otomatis.

Sebagai contoh lihat pada gambar dibawah ini, proses gagal setiap ingin melakukan compress dengan menampilakan pesan error "Access denied. 7-Zip cant open file ..." dengan menggunakan tool 7-Zip.
dan dibawah ini menggunakan aplikasi WinRAR

Lalu bagaimana caranya agar semua itu bisa diatasi?.
Cara yaitu setiap anda ingin mencompress file yang terproteksi tadi copykan ke folder :

Lalu silahkan compress dari folder tersebut, dijamin proses berjalan dengan lancar. Sedikit merepotkan memang, tapi untuk mengurangi banyak klik folder alangkah baiknya buatkan shortcut folder Temp tersebut semisal di Desktop windows anda.

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Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Brother MFC 3240c Drivers Download

Download Driver Printer Brother MFC-3240c
Compatibility and system requirements :
WIndows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2000
For Windows 8 and Windows 7 Already added on OS
all drivers Support 32bit and 64bit

How to install the drivers Brother MFC-3240c Printer for Windows :
1. Download the driver Brother MFC-3240c Printer, for link download see above
2. Make sure the printer usb cable unplugged from laptop or computer
3. Open the file has been downloaded, double click on the file
4. Follow the instructions that appear during installation
5. When finished plugged usb cable and wait detecting hardware
6. When done doing test print and scan test
7. If test print and scan test is not a problem, then we have succeeded driver installation

Download link Brother MFC-3240c Printer drivers
Source Direct Link WinXP2000 | WinVista

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driver canon pixma mx308 for win xp 7

Compatibility and system requirements :

- Windows 7
- WIndows Vista
- Windows XP
- all drivers Support 32bit and 64bit

Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows 2000 Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows xp Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows xp x64 Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows vista Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows vista x64 Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows 7 Printer Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MX300 Windows 7 x64 Printer Driver Download

Printer Driver Canon PIXMA mx308 for (Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000)| MX300 series MP Driver Ver. 1.01 download
Printer Driver Canon PIXMA mx308 for (Windows 7/7 x64/Vista/Vista64/XP)|Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver. 4.1.0 download
Printer Driver Canon PIXMA mx308 for (Windows 7/7 x64/Vista/Vista64/XP/2000)| My Printer Ver. 2.9.5 
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Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Canon i850 i950 S600

Start with the printer OFF
1. Hold down RESUME and then hold down POWER
2. release RESUME
3. press RESUME twice, then release POWER
4. Let green light blink until printer is done futzing
Select function with RESUME press POWER to execute:
presses - light color - function
Number of presses - light color - function
0 presses - green - Test print (or exit service mode on i960)
1 press - orange - EEPROM info print (plus grid nozzle diagnostic on i960)
2 presses - green - EEPROM initialize
3 presses - orange - Reset waste ink counter
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Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Canon Error 5800 Waste ink Full Pixma MP 130

Turn on the printer press menu
press scan, copy, scan to enter service mode
use> to get to nvram
set ABS-M level to 0
Set ABS-P level to 0
Press stop to exit..........Done
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Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Printer HP Officejet 100 Driver Download

Download Driver Printer HP Officejet 100
Compatibility and System Requirements :
Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit),
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit),
Microsoft Windows Vista,
Microsoft Windows Vista (64-bit),
Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 W32,
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64,
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 64-Bit Edition,
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition,
Microsoft Windows XP

- File name : OJ100ML411_Full_14_en.exe
- File Size : 121.95 Mb
- Version : 14.0.0
- Release Date : 2012-06-04

How to install the drivers Printer for Windows :
1. Download the printer driver, for the download link see below
2. Make sure the printer usb cable unplugged from laptop or computer
3. Open the file has been downloaded, double click on the file
4. Follow the instructions that appear during installation
5. When finished plugged usb cable and wait detecting hardware
6. When done doing test print
7. If test print is not a problem, then we have succeeded driver installation

Download HP Officejet 100 Driver
Direct Link Download

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Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Message 096 Fatal Error 02 with Oki printers

Message "096: Fatal Error 02" with Oki printers

096-02 error is a problem with the finisher.
Thats a "tray raise or lowering error".

Solution 1:
  • Check and clean the upper limit switch. 

Solution 2:
  • Replace the upper limet switch

Solution 3:
  • Check the shift motor operation and finisher control PCB board. 
  • If the motor has failed, you need to replace it, and perhaps the control PCB too.
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Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Canon PIXMA MP750 Error 6A00

Error 6A00 on my Canon MP750.

The alarm light was flashing and the LCD message said to "CHECK PRINTER (PRESS [OK])"

Heres what I did (after doing a hundred other things that didnt work):

1. I opened the printer as if I was changing an ink cartridge.

2. The ink cartridge carriage did not move to the center as it should (one of the symptoms).

3. I moved the ink cartridge by hand to the far left to expose the ink purge area at the far right (under the area where the ink cartridge carriage typically parks itself).

4. I used a small make-up mirror from my wife and a flashlight to look for paper fragments or anything else that might be jammed around in the ink purge area. The mirror was indispensable for viewing areas I couldnt possibly see otherwise.

5. Eureka! I found a some ink-soaked paper fragments crumbled against a roller near the ink purge

6. Now the fun part. While wearing a head flashlight and viewing the small paper jam in the mirror, I used tweezers and needle nose pliers to extract the paper. It was like "Operation," a game I played as a kid, except every movement I made was backwards because of the mirror. It also required some moves that would challenge a circus contortionist.

7. I closed up the printer, hit the okay button, and the printer made some noise like it might work. Unfortunately, the alarm light stayed on. I opened the printer again and noticed that the ink carriage repositioned itself. I took this to be a positive sign as it didnt do this before.

8. I closed up the printer again and hit the okay button again. After several "please wait" messages on the LCD, and positive sounding noises from the printer, the alarm light went out and the printer seemed ready to print.

9. I ran a few test pages through and they printed fine.
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How to Reset an HP PSC 1300 Printer ?,  If you must restart the HP PSC 1300 series printers, you can do in a few steps. All series printers are restored with the same method. The printer does not even need to be connected to a computer to make this process work.

things you need:  HP PSC 1300 series printers

1 Turn the printer off by pressing the "On / Resume" button which is located in the printers front panel.
2 Unplug the power cord from the back of the printer.
3 Connect the power cord into the back of the printer.
4 Turn the printer back on using the "On / Resume" button used to turn off

Tag: How to Reset an HP PSC 1300 Printer
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Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

Adjusment Reseter Canon i Series

Canon Waste Ink Tank Reset Procedures

Use the buttons on your Canon printers front display to reset the waste ink tank.
paper feed image by Glenn Jenkinson from
When sending a document to your Canon printer, the device uses three components to physically print the document--the print head, ink cartridges and the waste ink tank. Ink enters the print head from the ink cartridges and any leftover ink is removed from the print head and deposited in the waste ink tank. The waste ink tank eventually becomes filled with excess ink and must be emptied. As frustrated users have found, however, once the tank is empty, the more daunting task is often manually resetting the waste ink tank, a necessary step if the printer is to continue functioning.

Canon "S" Series Printers

  1. Turn off your Canon printer. Press and hold the "Resume" button on the printers panel display. Press and hold the "Power" button. Release the "Resume" button, but while still holding the "Power" button. Press and release the "Resume" button two times. Your Canon printers print head and ink cartridge assembly will move from side to side. Release the "Power" button. Press and release the "Resume" button four times to reset your printers waste ink tank. Press and release the "Power" button to finalize the process. Press the "Power" button again to restart your printer.

    If your printer is a Canon S9000, after pressing the "Resume" button two times, release both the "Resume" and "Power" buttons at the same time. Your printers green lights on the display will flash and then stop. When the green lights are solid, press the "Resume" button four times. Then press the "Power" button once to finalize the process and again to restart your printer.

Canon i320

  1. Turn off your printer and disconnect the printer cable running from your computer to the printer. Press and hold the "Power" button on the printers display. Turn on your printer. The printers indicator light should be green. Press and release the "Resume" button. The light will change to orange. Press and release the "Resume" button. The light will change to green. Release the "Power" button. Reconnect the printer cable. Go to your computer and open the Canon "General Tools" application. Click on the down arrow next to the wording "USB Port" and select "Set Destination 1."

Canon i550, i560, i850, i860, i865, i950, i960

  1. Turn off your printer. Press and hold the "Resume" button, then press and hold the "Power" button. Release the "Resume" button. Press and release the "Resume" button twice. Release the "Power" button. Your printers print head and ink assembly will start moving and the green indicator will blink. Once the print head stops moving, press and release the "Resume" button three times. Press the "Power" button to finalize the waste ink tank reset process.

Canon BJC 1000, 2000, 2100 Series

  1. Open your printers front panel door. Remove the printers ink cartridge. Unplug the printers power cable. Close the printers front panel door. Press and hold down the "Resume/Reset" button. Plug in the printers power cable. Release the "Resume/Reset" button. Press the "Resume/Reset" button again for five seconds. Release the "Resume/Reset" button. Press and hold the "Resume/Reset" button for two seconds then release the button. Press and hold the "Resume/Reset" button again for two seconds, then release the button. Unplug your printers power cable to finalize the resetting process.

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Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Reset Password Printer Dell 3100cn to Factory Default

 Reset Password Printer Dell 3100cn to Factory Default

Does anyone know a viable way to reset an unknown password for the Dell 3100cn?

I went absolutely crazy trying to find anything about the password.

Here for truth testing is what I think I discovered:
There seem to be three passwords:
1-for the panel -- seems to default to 0000 can be altered on the panel.
2-for the ColorTrak feature (which forces monochrome black) set and reset only within driver installation -- if forgotten, delete printer, reinstall driver. Is Optional
3-for the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool which username is said to be admin and the password is said to default to password, According to the change password screen the user name admin cannot be changed. The default can be found among the unindexed occurrences of the word password in the Users Guide by carefully rereading everything without falling asleep this time.
I bought two of these at one time and one responded to the default. I sold it to a friend and kept this mystery machine.

I too have tried NVRAM reset from the front panel and it confirmed and told me to restart but it didnt even lose the TCP/IP URL. Are there other NVRAM resets?

I have no use for a password on the unit but I sure could use some ideas!
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Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Online Technical Support Let the Boss Float His Boat

Yesterday, I was eagerly waiting for the office watch to click 5; I had worked hard since the morning to complete all task well in time. In fact, the day was auspicious, and a family gathering was scheduled at home to celebrate my fathers’ 60th birth-day. Only 20 minutes were left, when I got an e-mail from my instant boss regarding the last month sales details.
It irritated me. I was down in dumps, feeling like a beggar who has no choice. I started working on the file; meantime the system started the drama. It restarted on its own. Nevertheless, I kept the patience to complete it, but then it went off again after 5 minutes, and the very next time I could not reach the Windows screen even. Now it was high time.
I informed of the same to the boss, but he bounced, “Oh! I know this will happen” but I need it anyhow. Indeed it was the panicked moment, I had ever gone through.
A colleague advised me to go for online-technical-support, which I readily accepted. And, it worked instantly and effectively. A technician instructed me to start the system in safe-mode, and took the remote access of my system to fix the problem.
Eventually, I was able to send the enviable report, and with that I delivered him a letter of resignation too, with a lump in my throat. That was the loyalty bonus, after serving the company for 4 years.
I was shocked with the pre-assumption, and the allegation made, and in meanwhile I didn’t realize when I reached home. I even forgot to have gift for my dad.
Thanks, here I was flexible to choose my way. I was free, as free as a bird in the sky.
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Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Canon i900D Photo Printer Review

The i900D was introduced by Canon in September 2003 and I first saw one in action at the Photo Plus Expo show in New York in October. Canon kindly loaned a sample to for review and this article is the result. Rather than run the printer though a series of lab test and describe every option and every software screen, I though a better way to review it was to actually use it in the same way a typical purchaser might. Is it easy to assemble? Is the software easy to install and use? Does it make good prints? How long does the ink last? Finally of course, are there any problems or things that have been left out that shouldnt have been. Read on and Ill try to answer these questions.
Canon i900D Technical Specifications
A full listing of all the technical specifications can be found on the specs page. You can also download copies of the printer manuals in PDF format directly from Canon if you want a full technical description of all hardware and software options.
Briefly here are the major features:
Photo printer using 6 ink system
Inks individually replaceable
User replaceable print head
Built in memory card reader and LCD screen
Printing directly from memory card
Printing directly from compatible digital cameras
Borderless printing option
To properly test setup I tried the method most likely used by the average consumer. Dive into the box and start putting things together. Only read the instructions as a last resort. Turns out mechanical assembly of the printer was quite simple. After removing several hundred (well, maybe a dozen) strips of orange tape holding parts in place all that was required was first to open the package containing the print head assembly, insert it into the printer and lock it into place. Simple. Then open each one of the 6 ink cartridge packets and snap each one into its correct slot (all of which are labeled). The only thing here is to make really sure you put the right color ink in the designated (and clearly labeled) slot. If you put your yellow ink in the magenta slot, your prints will look very strange, and it will take you forever to flush the incorrect color ink out of the system.
The only other assembly required is to attach the 4x6 paper holder to the printer if you want to load 4x6 paper at the same time as 8.5x11 paper . Takes 5 seconds as it more or less just drops in place.
At this point you can plug the printer in, load some paper, stick a memory card in the slot and make a print! No PC or camera required. Theres a small (2") LCD to tell you what to do (though reading the instruction manual isnt a bad idea). You can select an image, select a paper size, crop if necessary, chose from a few printing options and make your print.
I installed the supplied software on a PC running Windows XP. The most important thing here is that you need to install the software BEFORE you attach the printer. If you dont, XP will recognize new hardware and attempt to install its own drivers for what it thinks youve just attached. This should be avoided. All you need to do is first load the software CD and follow the instructions to load the printer driver and the memory card driver. When thats all done, THEN you can attach the printer, XP will recognize new hardware and it will use the Canon drivers which you have just loaded to control it.
There were no bugs during installation. Everything went along as the manual indicated it should.
Memory card reader
The i900D has a built in memory card reader that can either be used to transfer data to a PC via the USB link, or the printer can directly print images which are stored on the card. Its compatible with Compact Flash, Microdrives, Smart Media, SD cards and Multimedia cards. Direct printing from the card supports JPEG (DCF/CIFF/EXIF 2.3 or earlier /JFIF), TIFF (EXIF compliant) and DPOF compliant. It does not support Canon RAW files, these have to be externally converted to JPEG or TIFF before they can be printed.
Time to transfer 30 files (94MB) from a Viking 512MB CF (speed not specified) card in the i900D to an HP Pavilion a230n (AMD 2800+) was 150s, giving a transfer speed of 626 kBytes/s. For comparison, the built in card reader in the a230n (which is USB connected also) took 90s for the same transfer, a speed of 1.04 MBytes/s. These numbers no doubt reflect limitations due to the maximum read speed of the CF card rather than the USB maximum data transfer rate. The USB interface itself if 2.0, theoretically capable of up to 400 megabits/s data transfer.
If you dont already have a memory card reader, this is a useful function. Normally its far more convenient than having to connect your camera to a PC to download images, so this is a positive feature of the i900D.
i900D vs i960
The i900D and i960 are very similar printers. The main difference is in print speed and the presence of the memory card reader.
The i900D has a built in memory card reader which allows you to make prints directly from a memory card, or to transfer the contents of the memory card to a PC. The i960 on the other had lacks the memory card feature, but makes up for it with twice the print speed due a a larger print head. If you dont think youll ever use the memory card functions of the i900D, then the i960 looks like a better buy. Not only is it faster, but it seems to sell on the street for around $40 less then the i900D.
The Inks and the Print Head
The i900D uses six inks. The usual black, yellow, magenta and cyan, plus photo magenta (light magenta) and photo cyan (light cyan). This is the normal six ink color set used by other printer manufacturers such as Epson. The i900D has a separate cartridge for each ink, so you only need to replace one color at a time. On some other printers the color inks come combined in one cartridge, so if, for example, the magenta ink runs out, you have to replace ALL the inks, even if there is ink of the other colors left. Another nice feature is that the ink cartridges are transparent! So you dont have to wonder if the "low ink" warning is lying to you just to make you buy more ink. You can take out the cartridge and actually see how much ink is left. The ink monitoring is done optically and is supposed to give a warning when less than 20% of the ink is left. This is preferable to a system which counts the number of times the head operates and calculates how much ink should be left in the tank. The ink cartridges are dumb. They contain no chips which monitor usage and prevent you from refilling them. Thats your decision. Again a plus for Canon.
One minor problem is that the ink level shown on the printer monitor screen is either full or "empty" (see below). The software doesnt know what the ink level is until it drops to the point where the optical sensor detects that its low. This isnt really a problem since you can just take out the ink cartridge and look how much ink is left, but it could be confusing if you dont realize whats going on
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iPad Printing

In addition to being an important day in the tech world as the final day of the 13th annual Lyra Imaging Symposium, another "minor" technology announcement happened that you might have heard about -- Apples announcement of the iPad!

While I work on my summary of the last day of Lyra, heres a tidbit to think about, courtesy of PC Worlds Jason Cross. In his piece, "Will the iPad Connect to Anything?", Cross muses about his ability (or inability) to print:

Then theres printing. Clearly, one would expect to be able to print from the iPad. It has iWork, after all! Youll be typing essays and epic poems expressing your love of Apple in Pages and calculating how much money you save by not buying Windows in Numbers. Still, we havent seen a single "print" icon or menu item yet. We dont suppose youll be able to plug a USB printer into the device (even with a dongle for the 30-pin connector) but network printers are quite common. If the iPad could print to a network printer, one would think Apple would have mentioned so.

Will be digging into this important question!
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Senin, 03 Februari 2014

How to Use Windows Gadgets and Overview

Gadgets are tools that you have on your desktop to see relevant information quickly. There are few popular one that come preinstalled with Windows 7.

Preinstalled Gadgets
CalenderBrowse the days of the calendar
ClockWatch the clock in your timezone or any city in the world.
CPU MeterSee the current computer CPU and system memory (RAM)
CurrencyConvert from one currency to another.
Feed HeadlinesTrack the latest news, sports, and entertainment headlines.
Picture PuzzlesMove the pieces of the puzzle and try to put them in order
Slide ShowShow a continuos slide show of your pictures.
Weather  See what the weather looks like around the world.
Windows Media CenterPlay your latest TV recordings, new Internet TV clips,and favorite music and pictures.

To Display a Gadget on the Desktop

1. Right-click the desktop, then Click Gadgets on the shortcut menu.

2. The gadget gallery opens and displays the gadgets that are currently installed on your computer. 
Note: This is where newly installed gadgets will be displayed.

3. Double-click a gadget. For example, double-click calender. A calender will appear on your desktop. 
Note:  the gadgets will line up on the right side one under another until the column fills up then will start filling up next left column, but you can freely move gadget around.

4. When you done adding gadgets, close the Gadget Gallery by clicking the X in top right corner. 


If you want more widget then just open the Widget Gallery and click Get more gadgets online and download the ones you want.

If you start adding more gadgets they might not fit on 1 page so if you dont see the gadget you want on the first page then there are 2 ways to find it.

1. Traverse threw the pages until you find the one you want.

2. Search for it in the search box.

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